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THE “TINERIMEA ROMÂNĂ” NATIONAL ART CENTER operates under Government Decision no. 527/1992 related to the reorganization of some public institutions subordinated to the Ministry of Culture including subsequent amendments and additions and Government Resolution no. 90/2010 on the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Culture, including subsequent amendments and additions.

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The “Tinerimea Română” National Art Center is an institution of repertoire performances of national interest through its activity, it has legal personality and is subordinated to the Ministry of Culture.


[infobox style=’info’ static=’1′]The “Tinerimea Română” National Art Center performs its activity in order to:
[list style=’regular’][list_item]promote local and universal artistic values from the arts field both local nationally and internationally;[/list_item] [list_item]increase the public’s access to shows and concerts;[/list_item] [list_item]assert the national cultural identity and the cultural identities of national minorities through performing arts; [/list_item] [list_item]support the public initiative and encourage the private one so as to diversify and develop performing arts.[/list_item][/list]

Main activity – to create artistic productions, such as shows, artistic concerts and tours for all artistic genres, with an artistic, educational and entertaining aim.

[infobox style=’info’ static=’1′]The “Tinerimea Română” National Art Center performs its activity by doing the following :

[list style=’regular’][list_item]it organizes and does shows and music concerts (choral, chamber, contemporary, symphonic, instrumental, pop, jazz), apart from folkloric concerts in collaboration or with other entities;[/list_item] [list_item]it organizes and does educational programs;[/list_item] [list_item]it promotes Romanian and universal choral, classical and contemporary music, authentic Romanian folklore, classical and contemporary Romanian and universal music, Romanian and universal contemporary music, Romanian and international pop music, jazz music (blues, traditional jazz); [/list_item] [list_item]it represents its own artistic groups;[/list_item] [list_item]it organizes and does on its own or in collaboration with other partners necessary audio and video recordings (in any format or support) for artistic groups from promotion, preservation or exploitation purposes;[/list_item] [list_item]it does marketing activities for its own artistic productions;[/list_item] [list_item]it organizes documentation actions for specific problems;[/list_item] [list_item]it offers transport services with cars from its own fleet for personal interest and third parties.[/list_item][/list][/infobox]
[infobox style=’info’ static=’1′]The Center’s Organizational Structure is the following:

A – Artistic Departments:

“Preludiu” chamber choir
“Cununa Carpaților” folk ensemble
“Archaeus” contemporary music ensemble
The department of cultural programs, projects, show organization and marketing.

B – The Support Departments:

The legal and public relations department
The human resources department
The public auditing department
The public acquisitions department
The technical, administrative department
The financial-accounting department
